Who are we ?
krea[K]tiv-musiktheater stands up is THE german initiative for freelance artists in Musiktheater. Our InnerCircle includes singers, opera and musical performers, directors, coaches, agents, cultural managers and a lawyer. We believe in the necessity of creating alliances between artists, agencies and various cultural institutions, to start research and ensure a broad exchange of information.
Who do we represent ?
We represent all categories of artists belonging to Musiktheater, both beginners and established artists.
Our vision
Transparent standards on the issue of abuse of power. To effect change in the system and structure of music theatre. Transparency and fairness for a vibrant and safe place to work. Future fair contractual standards and better social protection for artists. We believe in the necessity to create alliances between artists, agencies and various cultural institutions, to start research and ensure a broad exchange of information. We also offer students and young professionals the opportunity to actively participate with us in the realization and shaping of their professional future.
Nicola Beller Carbone
Our mission
We see ourselves as an association of freelancers who work in solidarity to improve the living and working situation of artists. This contributes to a clear perception and visibility of theatre professionals in politics and society. We strive for strong professional associations for opera artists in the future and an international network with similarly oriented initiatives to strengthen our social visibility.

e are THE german initiative for freelance artists in opera, “Musiktheater”.
Our InnerCircle includes singers, opera and musical performers, directors, coaches, agents, cultural managers and a lawyer.
We believe in the necessity of creating alliances between artists, agencies and various cultural institutions and to start research and ensure a broad exchange of information.
We offer students and young professionals the opportunity to actively participate with us in the realization and shaping of their professional future.
We see us as an association of freelancers who work in solidarity to improve the living and working situation of artists that should contribute to a clear perception and visibility of the professional profiles of theatre professionals by politics and society.
We have already achieved a strong community on FB and YouTube as platforms for information exchange, successful campaigns #weihnachtsschrei (live video action), #shortCuts - creative videos on our youtube channel about the current situation, surveys on the situation of theatre professionals, a first award as "Bühnenheld*in 2020", founding member of the European collective LyriCoalition and last but not least : the founding of an association with over 80 ordinary members at the moment.
We are striving for a strong professional association for opera artists in the future and an international network with similarly oriented initiatives and interest groups to strengthen our social visibility.
Our goals are: Transparent standards on the issue of abuse of power. Change in the system and structure of music theatre. Transparency and fairness for a vibrant and safe place to work. Fair contractual standards and better social protection for artists.
As the world’s biggest opera market, we work in solidarity to improve the working conditions of all independent stage artists.
It's not much for the individual and we will all benefit!
Redesigning music theatre!

![Nicola Beller Carbone-krea[K]tiv - musik](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/33be69_24537cdae5894426936aaef2bc7cbf41~mv2.jpg/v1/crop/x_636,y_977,w_3380,h_3830/fill/w_218,h_247,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Nicola%20Beller%20Carbone-krea%5BK%5Dtiv%20-%20musik.jpg)
"Art and theatre exists beyond borders. Let's celebrate both our differences and togetherness to create a common path of fair and undogmatic conditions. Imagine all artists sharing their range of potentials: what an explosively powerful tool to shake rotten structures."