Stimm - IG
Who are we ?
Stimm IG is a community of interests for performers in music and performing arts in Austria’s theatres.
„We are the voice for the many”
In 2019 the stimm-IG* was founded by Arpiné Rahdjian and some of her colleagues to improve working conditions by changing entrenched attitudes and one sided structures.
Who do we represent ?
We represent singer soloists, choir soloists, prompters, assistant directors and stage crew members who do not have any labour union or representation.
Our aim is to establish a new advocacy for artists in music and the performing arts against the abuse of power in any form, advocacy still missing in Austria.
Our vision
Our vision of the future is to set up a representative council of all Austrian based artists taking out inspiration from the Pharmaceutical, Legal and Medical Councils.
Our mission
The stimm-IG has already worked out a detailed concept for advocacy including a contact point, hotline, psycho-social service, legal counsel, individual workshops and – never seen in this business – possibilities for judicial sanctions against the perpetrators. The guaranteed main feature needs to be political independence from any political party although the stimm-IG is already involved in the very laborious and complicated developmental work with the relevant Austrian politicians. The stimm-IG is your voice in Austria : Come and join us!
*In german “Stimme” means voice and “stimmig” means harmonious, “IG” is short for “Interessengemeinschaft” which means community of interests, stimm-IG is also a pun.

timm -IG is a community of interests for performers in music and performing arts in Austria’s theatres.
„We are the voice for the many”
In 2019 the stimm-IG* was founded by Arpiné Rahdjian and some of her colleagues to improve working conditions by changing entrenched attitudes and one sided structures.
We represent singer soloists, choir soloists, prompters, assistant directors and stage crew members who do not have any labour union or representation.
Our aim is to establish a new advocacy for artists in music and the performing arts against the abuse of power in any form, advocacy still missing in Austria.
Our vision of the future is to set up a representative council of all Austrian based artists taking out inspiration from the Pharmaceutical, Legal and Medical Councils.
The stimm-IG has already worked out a detailed concept for advocacy including a contact point, hotline, psycho-social service, legal counsel, individual workshops and – never seen in this business – possibilities for judicial sanctions against the perpetrators. The guaranteed main feature needs to be political independence from any political party although the stimm-IG is already involved in the very laborious and complicated developmental work with the relevant Austrian politicians.
*In german “Stimme” means voice and “stimmig” means harmonious, “IG” is short for “Interessengemeinschaft” which means community of interests, stimm-IG is also a pun.